by: Norberto Betita
July 7, 2013 was a memorable day for the whole family. It was the naming and blessing of our seventh and youngest grandchild Cian Oliver Betita Palma, the fourth grandson. He is the fourth child and second son of my eldest daughter Hazel and son-in-law Oliver. Indeed, how grateful I am as a grandfather to have been given the opportunity to perform the ordinance to my grandson. Such was a very rare opportunity, for the ordinances of my grand children are usually done by their fathers who themselves are holders of the Holy Priesthood. Of my seven grandchildren this is only the second time that I have performed the ordinance of naming and blessing, although I have done it for all of my children.
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My family as we are now with 10 grandchildren |
What a feeling of joyful veneration to have been handed another wonderful and fine-looking posterity by my daughter. As I stood at the podium holding little Cian Oliver assisted by several Priesthood leaders including my son, who is the Branch President I was overjoyed that I have to hold back the tears from my eyes. I felt so inspired that I find my words quivering as I pronounced the blessings making sure of every word and petitioned Heavenly Father to grant those inspired statements.
In my daily companionship with six of my grandchild children, KayAn, Keeshia, Craig Kirby, Rulon Asher, Travis and of course Cian Oliver, and our foster daughter Angelica who have grown with them, and hear the voice of Jeliene Zaffera in occasional call from Cebu City, I always feel so humbled by the trust which Heavenly Father bestowed upon me as to see His spirit children come into our family. How I longed to have more from my four married children, and especially from my unmarried youngest daughter. For a lifetime I tried and will do my best to be always worthy of such a divine trust. How I wish to see them accounted for holding fast to the iron rod in their journey to the tree of life before my mortal coil is put to rest.
There are many who say that grandparents are spoiler of grandchildren. I find no truth in such a belief. Grandparents are just so careful not to harm the tenderness of every extended branch of the family tree. As a grandparent it is ever my yearning that my posterity will constantly be connected to me in righteousness that the sealing bond of our family may hold on forever. I feel that the duty to discipline is not mine to execute but of their parents. It is however my solemn obligation as a grandfather to extend charity, love and affection to help these young and vulnerable boughs to be firmly joined to the main trunk and on to the roots. In the process we merit evermore their love and respect.
“And this is mine everlasting covenant, that when thy posterity shall embrace the truth, and look upward, then shall Zion look downward, and all the heavens shall shake with gladness, and the earth shall tremble with joy” (JST, Genesis 9:22).
Each passing day I find that my life is becoming increasingly joyful because of my growing righteous posterity.
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