While as a father and patriarch of the home I preside over all my family, including my son-in-law Fraodel, which patriarchal duty he honorably respects, he also presides over most of our family as the branch president of a unit of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Saints of which we are members of record except those who are now living away from home. In such sacred calling and responsibility, he is likewise honorably respected by the family.
That's the one good thing about our relationships---at home we as parents are the boss, and our children and grandchildren are under our command for errands. But at church, sometimes parental authority are set aside, and a son in authority---holding the priesthood key--- may command a parent to do an errand for him, by virtue of his divine calling as presiding authority, upon which we are bound by sacred duty to obey.
As a long time active member of the church, my earnest longings has always been for my daughters to be married to worthy priesthood holders, as well as for my only son to be married to a righteous woman. I have always dreamed to have the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father’s great plan of happiness to be channeled and carried on to our coming posterity and for our generations of men to be conferred and ordained to the priesthood forward to an unending chain of divine authority throughout eternity. I truly believe and have a firm testimony and conviction that through the holy priesthood, my family and our coming posterity will be guided through along the path to eternity. I understand that in time the Holy Order of the priesthood will provide further endowments until the full power of godliness is manifest. Therefore, I have faith and confidence that having a worthy priesthood leader in the home strengthens the spiritual foundations that can withstand the wiles of the evil one.
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As a father, I posted no objection of him marrying my daughter---Lori Lynne---because I am confident that he will make of a good husband and father. I am looking more of his spiritual potential than his temporal possibilities. I always have the feeling that if he continues to be a faithful priesthood holder, he will always have the ability to provide enough for the needs of his family. In him I see the image of a man and father who can always be trusted to be able to raise his children and the coming posterity towards greater participation in the kingdom of God upon the earth. He has that kind of integrity and honesty that now is seldom found in the public and private square.
To me he is special because he can make everybody in the family laugh. His humor makes everyone enjoy with him. He is apt to admit that he has his own weakness, but he is trying hard to raise the bar of his capabilities as against his inadequacies in life. He may have repented in humility that he did not make enough preparations to be a good provider, but for me, his preparations is one good starting step, up the ladder of success. I believe that for as long as he remains faithful in whatever calling the Lord will give him, by his receiving the mantle of authority, the Lord will eventually and graciously endow him with such power and gifts of wisdom to bless his family. President Thomas S. Monson has this to say: “Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.” What matters most to me is for him to stay in the covenant path as counseled by the prophets, so that my posterity that comes from his household will be assured a place in the celestial mansions of God.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland once said, “Excellence does not come easily or quickly---and excellent education does not,…a strong, loving marriage does not, rewarding personal relationships do not. It is simply a truism that nothing very valuable can come without significant sacrifice, effort, and patience on our part.”
My heart turns to him as he continues to magnify his calling in expressions of his personal gratitude and love of God and his commitment to honor the holy priesthood of which he was given a trust of authority and power. I wish he will always take to heart the covenants he made to Heavenly Father when he received the holy priesthood in his life that the promise of “all that [the] Father hath shall be given unto him.” (D & C 84:38.)
I would encourage him to continue to dine with the banquet of truth by seriously studying and deeply pondering the scriptures, and teaching his children of the principles of righteousness that the channel of the Lord’s grace may continually flow in his family life. I guess he understands that it is imperative upon him, as having received a divine calling of presiding a branch of God’s kingdom upon the earth, and holding the keys of authority, “to learn his duty and to act in the office of which he is appointed in all diligence,” for “he that is slothful shall not be counted worthy to stand, and he that learns not his duty, and shows himself not approved shall not be counted worthy to stand, even so…” (D & C 107:99-100.) It is by knowing and acting upon the mantle of authority placed upon him that he may be able to harness the power attendant to the Holy Order of the priesthood in a presidency.
The journey he has to take with his beloved wife---Lori Lynne---and sons---Travis and Trevor---is still far and long. Their mortal race is still a lingering stretch into the broadened future. More doors of opportunities are yet to be opened for him, but the battle against mounting challenges which are common to every generation will also rage. It is therefore of paramount importance that he should keep up with the increasing trials of the changing times.
Perhaps, there is no better counsel I can give him than “OBEDIENCE,” it being the “first law of heaven.” It is by such that blessings, both temporal and spiritual, are promised. Elder L. Tom Perry said, “The world changes constantly and dramatically, but God, His commandments, and promised blessings do not change. They are immutable and unchanging.”
“There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
“And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated. (D & C 130:20-21.)
He needs to recognize the fact that life is not going to be easy as the race accelerates further on. There will surge more trials and tribulations, but God will continue to provide assistance and better opportunities as he seeks for help, knock upon His door and ask of Him. Earthly wealth and riches is not always the measure of success. The riches of eternity leads to ultimate glory.
I will always cherish the thought that Fraodel is a very willing errand boy for us, his parents-in-law, of petty things that we could no longer do for ourselves being subjected to the bleak realities of physical limitations consequent of aging. From the bottom of my heart, I hope and pray that he will be able to persistently pursue his eternal goals for him and his family by his continued efforts to honor his priesthood and magnify his callings, and being ever mindful of his temple covenants.
Between me and my son-in-law, my branch president, whom I truly respect, lies an eternal relationship that will connect us together in the hereafter. All I wish is for that eternal link to remain vibrantly alive even when I shall be summoned to “walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” and until I am finally appointed to cross the threshold into the realms of eternity.
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