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Tuesday, March 10, 2020


By: Norberto Betita

We are in a chasing race with time. Whether some is enjoying the luxury of expensive brands as Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, Omega or Rolex, or just the ordinary and cheapest time piece in the common market, the earth’s time continues to move forward with the same precision for both the rich and the poor. And even if these time pieces stop functioning, like my manual pocket watch which terminates every 36 hours and is rested sometime for several days or in a week, our time in this life is never suspended. It is only when the “earth shall pass away” (Matthew 24:35), and “the earth will wear out like a garment, and its people will die like gnats” (Isaiah 51:6), that our time on earth will be ended and be swallowed up by the eternal time piece of God.

However, along our race through life some of us are caught unaware and overtaken by time as to cross the bar earlier and therefore the mortal race is for them, over. Amongst the early casualties in the chasing race with time are those in the tenderness of early infancy; those in the exuberance of youth with amazing prescience and foresight of the brightest and grandest expectations; and those who are in the prime of life when successes are in its pinnacle. Many, though, are lucky enough as to continue to endure the race with time and are privileged to enjoy the blessed daily extensions enough to reach the ripened years of old age. Yet even then, time on earth is very short; not even a click of a second compared to eternity.

My immediate elder sister---Janedina--- is one of those who are blessed to live long enough to reach a milestone of seven decades of earth life and still counting on. At 70 she is still physically active and vigorous. Her motherhood is par excellence, so is her love of siblings and family. She is one best sister who takes time and conduct generous hosting of our physical reunions as she wanted our family to be connected to each other while yet in this life. 

Such interest in family linkages is an attribute of eternity. It is propelled by love and affection. I am not sure, though, if she knew it herself and believed that families can literally be together forever, although it requires a sacred covenant, as did Abraham, in order to attain that order of life in the eternities. Her religiosity must have influenced her interest in family life. And this interest is a prologue to an even greater understanding of the life hereafter.

Nevertheless, there is much more in creating connections and associations that will eventually have an impact in the eternities than the ordinary family linking through physical reunions. Our connecting the line with our dead ancestors is part of the great plan of happiness which Heavenly Father provided for us, out of His great eternal love for His children. Thus, the importance of these linkages were given emphasis in His direction to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest [He] come[s] and smite the earth with a curse.” (Malachi 4:6).

“…For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul says concerning the fathers—that they without us cannot be made perfect—neither can we without our dead be made perfect” (D&C 128:15). As it is further written, “…It is sufficient to know, in this case, that the earth will be smitten with a curse unless there is a welding link of some kind or other between the fathers and the children…” (D&C 128:18). 

Although I long since knew about the truth of the time space between death and resurrection in the world of waiting spirits by the power of the Holy Ghost, I had been taught even well in a dream by no less than the loving husband of Janie---Jaime Depano---who had surrendered earlier his race with time and died several years past. It was no ordinary dream that regularly awakens me for restroom calls, but a kind of vision where I saw Jimmy with the rest of our dead ancestors, of whom my own family have done the proxy saving ordinances in the temple---The House of the Lord. They are in some form of a reunion. It was such a dream to remember that I recorded it in my personal history.

It was on the tranquil and restful night of June 10, 2019 that I saw in a dream Jimmy and other spirit personages all in pure white apparels, who were as though having a meeting. I am wondering, however, why only Jimmy was identified. He must have been appointed by the group to be the spokesman. Along with other parts of the dream, it was Jimmy’s repeated instructions that touched me. I understood then, even well, that Jimmy and the rest of our ancestors, were now in actual knowledge of God’s great eternal plan of happiness and they wanted to share such eternal truths with us. They now have the actual knowledge of the commandment to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.” (Ibid), and the perfect truth that the family is central in God’s eternal plan of happiness and ordained to endure forever.

Jimmy made me understand that they are now in the spirit paradise awaiting for the grand family reunion and eventual resurrection. Therefore, they wanted the rest of the family to know the requirements upon which family exaltation can be gained. While Jimmy already had the knowledge of the truth about the continuation of the family in the life hereafter, yet he knew that their marital vow was only until death. Therefore, it is no longer in force and effect on the other side of the veil. In particular, I was specifically instructed by Jimmy to send a message to his wife---my immediate elder sister Janie---and inform her to listen to the message of the restored gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that she and the family will be guided by the Spirit to know the truth for themselves and make rightful decisions to accept or reject it, in accordance with their moral agency. The instruction was clear and unmistakable that the family needs to receive the essential ordinances and be sealed to him---in the new and everlasting covenant of marriage---for time and all eternity in the temple of God, so they will have claim for each other during the resurrection. Nonetheless, I am utterly confused why he has to pass his message to me and not directly to his wife or children. Perhaps it is because he knew that I have a solemn and profound testimony and personal conviction of the eternal truths of what he wanted to convey to his family.

As I contemplate on Jimmy’s concerns for his family, I am reminded of these words from James E. Talmage: “When the frailties and imperfection of mortality are left behind, in the glorified state of the blessed hereafter, husband and wife will administer in their respective stations, seeing and understanding alike, and cooperating to the full in the government of their family kingdom. Then shall woman be recompensed in rich measure for all the injustice that womanhood has endured in mortality. Then shall woman reign by Divine right, a queen in the resplendent realm of her glorified state, even as exalted man shall stand, priest and king unto the most high. Mortal eye cannot see nor mind comprehend the beauty, glory, and majesty of a righteous woman made perfect in the celestial kingdom of God.” (James E. Talmage, “The eternity of Sex,” Young Woman’s Journal, October 1914, 600-603, quoted by Jeffrey R. Holland, “To My Friends”, Messages of Counsel and Comfort, Deseret Book, 238). Perhaps this truth must have been in his mind and he felt it unfortunate that his dearly beloved wife will be deprived of her queenly potential, without the required covenants with God, and of his children no longer to be a part of him when these things will happen. He might have feared lest the birthright blessings he received in the temple through proxy, will provide for him a different family during the resurrection day.

Although it was only a dream, I know that the message and instructions of Jimmy are true, but it is not mine to impose or insist for his family and the rest of our clan to believe. Yet I take it as a sacred privilege and duty for me to share while I am yet alive. These declarations may well be subjected to the common ironic rationalization that there is not one dead who ever came back to declare these realities. But the Lord has answered such a satirical reasoning centuries ago in his parable of the rich man and Lazarus, thus: “There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:

“And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

“And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

“And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

“And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

“And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

“But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.

“And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

“Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:

“For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.

“Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.

“And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

“And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.“ (Luke 16:19-31).

We have our moral agency or right to choose whether to believe it or not. But that I might be relieved of any blame from our ancestors when it will be my time to cross to the other side of the veil, and by all family members who are now living, when all these truths will be revealed during the resurrection day and the Second coming of the Lord, I, therefore, have to declare these sacred truths with boldness, soberness, courage and faith.

The dream was repeated several times while I was in deep sleep and even when I was almost awake and until I finally woke up at past 4:00 o’clock in the break of dawn of June 11, 2019.

At this time of Janie’s 70th birthday, I have no better wish than for her to feel the great love and concern of Jimmy for her and their family, and to ponder about his message for the family in my dream. His appearance in a dream to me was impelled by what Albert Einstein described as, “an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to…a force that governs all others and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe...LOVE.” (In a letter to his daughter Lieserl, Shared by Nicol Wilts – May 14, 2015). It is the power of Jimmy’s pure love that conquers even the barriers of eternity, as to express his concern for the spiritual well-being of his dearest Janie and his children, even from beyond the other side of the veil.

Jimmy knew and cherished the godly attributes of Janie and his children and thus he wanted them to be the family that will be in his company when he shall, “inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths….which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever” (D & C 32:10), and “that they might receive a fulness of joy.” (D & C 138:17). Yet he knew that this could not happen without a sacred covenant relationship with God, as did Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Russel M. Nelson, explained, “The Savior said, ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions...’(John 14:2). However, as you choose not to make covenants with God, you are settling for a most meager roof over your head throughout all eternity.” (“Come, Follow Me” President Russell M. Nelson, April 2019 General Conference,

Today, as the unveiling of dawn lapsed and the pristine beauty of sunshine soon dims at eventide, and as the day of the birthday celebration concludes, it is my earnest hope and prayer that Janie and the rest of the family will take the metaphorical challenge by Neal A. Maxwell to, “let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up the summer cottage in Babylon.” (Quoted by D. Todd Christofferson, see Neal A. Maxwell, A Wonderful Flood of Light [1990], 47). A residence in “Zion---the pure in heart” (D&C 97:21)---will rise in beauty and splendor into eternity, while even the most comfortable of earthly homes and mansions will be left to dilapidate towards destruction. All the pacifiers, securities, lulls, and flatteries which Babylon offers will ultimately be buried in oblivion. As Paul so declared to Timothy: “We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.” (1 Timothy 6:7). Time may run out soon, as we each pass the portals to our endless end. It is my sincere wish that Janie and the rest of us will soon realize the immeasurably wide and expansive difference between living with earthly time and eternity with God.

TO MY DEAREST AND MOST LOVING ELDER SISTER---JANIE---HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY! May Heavenly Father bless you with continued liveliness and enthusiasm, and robust strength as you remain committed to enliven and strengthen our family ties in the spirit of love and benevolence. May your walk along the lane reserved for the elderly remain enjoyable and profoundly uplifting even as the dimming light of life crosses the point between sunset and evening star. May God grant your best wishes today and ever more through the coming years.

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