by: Norberto Betita
I was born a Catholic and I only knew memorized prayers.
Never did I have any experience of offering a personal prayer to the Lord. I
have been reading the Bible I found abandoned in the shelf of my elder brother
since I was in high school. Since then I raised so many questions about my own
belief. The Ten Commandments seemed to have taught me that there is something
wrong with what I believe, particularly about the worship of graven images.
Hence, I started to refuse to attend Catholic masses and just go to church on
occasion at early dawn to pray directly to the Lord using the memorized Lord’s
Prayer. Then here comes the missionaries
telling me to offer a personal prayer and to talk to God and ask Him the
question whether the Book of Mormon is true. I thought it was ridiculous, yet I
continued to read the Book of Mormon and sincerely kept my appointments.
At the conclusion of my reading of The Book of Mormon, the
last chapter of Moroni, I noted the marked verses again. After reading the last
verse, I went back and reread the challenge: “And when ye shall receive these
things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the
name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a
sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the
truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the
Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moroni 10:4-5).
I thought deeply of the challenge and my study and readings
of the book. My mind reaffirmed my understanding that the contents of the book must
have come from God. But the challenge was exhorting me to pray for confirmation
of the truth through the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. Never have I known
then about manifestations of the Spirit, except that I was told by the
missionaries that I would have a burning feeling in my bosom. Nevertheless I
submitted myself to the challenge and in the serenity of my barracks room, I
prayed to Heavenly Father in earnestness and with best intentions to know
whether The Book of Mormon is true. I waited for days for the manifestation of
the Spirit to come, but I never have any such burning feeling. Until at our
next appointment, I was again asked by the missionaries the same question whether
I believe The Book of Mormon is true. And for the first time in my life, with
tears in my eyes and in stuttered expressions of most sincere pronouncements and heart pounding with joy, I bore a
solemn testimony and witness to the missionaries, that I know that The Book of Mormon is
true. That it taught me things which are beyond my mind to comprehend, but
which my heart so clearly and undoubtedly understood. I was then challenged for
baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which I readily
accepted. On the early morning of February 12, 1977, I and my beloved wife
walked into the waist deep sea water at a Beach in Surigao City, Philippines
and were baptized.
As it is indicated in its title page, “The Book of Mormon”
is “Another Testament of Jesus Christ”. I bear testimony that it is true by the
power of the Holy Ghost. I encourage every honest reader of the Book of Mormon
to know for himself or herself by accepting the challenge as recorded in Moroni
10:4-5. I know the Lord will manifest the truth of this marvelous book to
every honest searching soul.
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