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Letty as she is now---a grandmother of ten |
In my married life, I have committed myself to always have my heart turned to the woman right beside me each day---my ever dearest Letty. From the very beginning of our marital and parental partnership and all throughout those long years of our companionship, I understood best that she should always be the first in my life. All throughout my life I have committed myself to honor the new and everlasting covenant of marriage we entered into in the House of the Lord, with an overpowering promise of complete fidelity, to love and to cherish, to keep and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, for time and all eternity.
We were bound as one and we are in a journey towards a common destination---eternity. In mortality we are blessed with the sacred trust of having children with us. But each of them had grown to maturity and all will eventually separate from us to experience and workout their respective mortal probation. But we as husband and wife, united by a sacred covenant, will remain together in love and harmony until we are called upon to cross the threshold between mortality and the spirit world. In due time of the Lord, when I will be appointed to traverse that boundary of no return, my dear Letty will become my eternal companion. It might not be possible for us to slip together at the same time on the other side of the veil, but whoever will receive the first appointment, will soon wait at the portals of paradise to meet each other in a grand eternal reunion.
We were bound as one and we are in a journey towards a common destination---eternity. In mortality we are blessed with the sacred trust of having children with us. But each of them had grown to maturity and all will eventually separate from us to experience and workout their respective mortal probation. But we as husband and wife, united by a sacred covenant, will remain together in love and harmony until we are called upon to cross the threshold between mortality and the spirit world. In due time of the Lord, when I will be appointed to traverse that boundary of no return, my dear Letty will become my eternal companion. It might not be possible for us to slip together at the same time on the other side of the veil, but whoever will receive the first appointment, will soon wait at the portals of paradise to meet each other in a grand eternal reunion.
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Letty in her middle age |
If I have to account for what I will have after this mortal probation is completed, I need to make sure that while yet in this life I must see to it that all of my family are accounted for in active service and duty in the earthly kingdom of God, and taking the safe spiritual route---the covenant path. I can only do it in intimate partnership and absolute vow to honor our marital covenants and to have the Lord Jesus Christ at the center of our personal and family life. President Russel M. Nelson said: “Jesus Christ teaches the way back to our eternal home. He understands our Heavenly Father’s plan of eternal progression better than any of us. After all, He is the keystone of it all. He is our Redeemer, our Healer, and our Savior.
“In truth, the Savior Himself has made it abundantly clear that while His Resurrection assures that every person who ever lived will indeed be resurrected and live forever, much more is required if we want to have the high privilege of exaltation. Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter” (President Russel M. Nelson, Come Follow Me, General Conference, April 2019).
“In truth, the Savior Himself has made it abundantly clear that while His Resurrection assures that every person who ever lived will indeed be resurrected and live forever, much more is required if we want to have the high privilege of exaltation. Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter” (President Russel M. Nelson, Come Follow Me, General Conference, April 2019).
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Letty as a young mother |
If I should have the assurance of also having my children and my children’s children and the rest of my posterity to be accounted for in the paradise of God and prepare for the fullness of joy in the glorious celestial kingdom, then I need to prepare them while yet in this time of probation---“the time for men to prepare to meet God” (see Alma 34:32). It is for this reason that I am turning my heart to my wife and covenant with her for time and all eternity for us to be able to bring our family together into the exalted celestial realms and live forever.
As sure as she is to be my eternal companion, I tried to be just as sincere and loyal to her while yet in this probationary state of our eternal journey. I had poured out all my love and affection to her as we face together the necessary trials that are required of us to prove our faithfulness and endure well the race. We together walk hand in hand as we bridge the wide expanse and long stretch of challenges that are along the way. It was such an obstacle-filled marital marathon of forty five (45) years.
While the influence and eloquence of time are till essentially available, I tried to recompense for the few unaccounted sloppy relationship encounters during those extended span of our spousal partnership, attributed to the many struggles we face. I am thus giving my utmost commitment to daily express my love and affection, with devotion and tenderness, as we now walk the alley and share the space reserved for those with faltering feet, feeble knees and hands now hard to grasp. With my few remaining catch up time, I wish to raise the warmth of my loving embrace and affectionate piety for her, like the glitter of the May sunbeam, which triggers the sweltering heat of summer, giving vivid radiance to the world’s celebration of Mother’s Day.
Having the mantle of motherhood is the most transcendent heavenly blessing that a woman is bestowed. She is endowed with the godly privilege and power of being a co-creator with God, by giving life to His spirit sons and daughters. No other being is granted such a sublime benediction and divine approbation. Of such, I am most honored to have my dearest Letty as the mother of my children and grandmother of my growing posterity.
In expressions of my deepest and heartfelt gratitude to my eternally beloved Letty, I had since written my innermost feelings of reverence and respect; love and devotion; fondness and affection for her as a chronicle for our children and posterity to read upon. It is my wish that the narratives of her life will serve as a beacon of an indomitable commitment to motherhood and spousal duties; of an unconquerable spirit in serviced to God and His people through His earthly kingdom; and of an unfaltering faith and testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel.
As sure as she is to be my eternal companion, I tried to be just as sincere and loyal to her while yet in this probationary state of our eternal journey. I had poured out all my love and affection to her as we face together the necessary trials that are required of us to prove our faithfulness and endure well the race. We together walk hand in hand as we bridge the wide expanse and long stretch of challenges that are along the way. It was such an obstacle-filled marital marathon of forty five (45) years.
While the influence and eloquence of time are till essentially available, I tried to recompense for the few unaccounted sloppy relationship encounters during those extended span of our spousal partnership, attributed to the many struggles we face. I am thus giving my utmost commitment to daily express my love and affection, with devotion and tenderness, as we now walk the alley and share the space reserved for those with faltering feet, feeble knees and hands now hard to grasp. With my few remaining catch up time, I wish to raise the warmth of my loving embrace and affectionate piety for her, like the glitter of the May sunbeam, which triggers the sweltering heat of summer, giving vivid radiance to the world’s celebration of Mother’s Day.
Having the mantle of motherhood is the most transcendent heavenly blessing that a woman is bestowed. She is endowed with the godly privilege and power of being a co-creator with God, by giving life to His spirit sons and daughters. No other being is granted such a sublime benediction and divine approbation. Of such, I am most honored to have my dearest Letty as the mother of my children and grandmother of my growing posterity.
In expressions of my deepest and heartfelt gratitude to my eternally beloved Letty, I had since written my innermost feelings of reverence and respect; love and devotion; fondness and affection for her as a chronicle for our children and posterity to read upon. It is my wish that the narratives of her life will serve as a beacon of an indomitable commitment to motherhood and spousal duties; of an unconquerable spirit in serviced to God and His people through His earthly kingdom; and of an unfaltering faith and testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel.