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The Cebu Philippines Temple |
Joy fills the countenances of our grandchildren Keeshia-13 and KayAn-15 and our foster daughter Angelica-17 as they arrived home early morning from their scheduled youth Temple trip at the Cebu Philippines Temple from July 6-9, 2016. It was Sabbath Day and we were delightfully preparing for our Sunday services. Stories of their spiritual experiences while performing ordinances at the Temple were held in reserve until the three of them were assigned to stand before the congregation to bear witness of their feelings and spiritual experiences attendant to their performing ordinances for the dead.
Their journey to the temple was not without challenge. Keeshia and KayAn, were both active in school and were both in the honor roll. To be absent for two school days will be a great loss. Yet they felt that visiting the Temple at least once in a year is of paramount priority in their youthful life. So it was with our foster daughter who is already in college. She was originally included in the list of those who will be going but she differed because of a personal development opportunity as a student to attend a seminar on journalism. However, for reason not clearly known the seminar was rescheduled. Yet she still was very concerned about being absent from her classes for two days. She was given a day to decide, and she finally felt that going to the temple is a priority considering that this will be her last as a youth to be able to participate in such a spiritual undertaking.
Another serious concern was the weather disturbance which caused some parents to cancel their children’s participation. A tropical storm was expected during the week of their scheduled travel and the southwesterly wind was fiercely blowing before and even during the night of their trip to Cebu City. Fortunately, according to my granddaughters, few hours after they left the port of Surigao City the weather disturbances ceased and there was calm until they reached their destination safe and sound.
Their journey to the temple was not without challenge. Keeshia and KayAn, were both active in school and were both in the honor roll. To be absent for two school days will be a great loss. Yet they felt that visiting the Temple at least once in a year is of paramount priority in their youthful life. So it was with our foster daughter who is already in college. She was originally included in the list of those who will be going but she differed because of a personal development opportunity as a student to attend a seminar on journalism. However, for reason not clearly known the seminar was rescheduled. Yet she still was very concerned about being absent from her classes for two days. She was given a day to decide, and she finally felt that going to the temple is a priority considering that this will be her last as a youth to be able to participate in such a spiritual undertaking.
Another serious concern was the weather disturbance which caused some parents to cancel their children’s participation. A tropical storm was expected during the week of their scheduled travel and the southwesterly wind was fiercely blowing before and even during the night of their trip to Cebu City. Fortunately, according to my granddaughters, few hours after they left the port of Surigao City the weather disturbances ceased and there was calm until they reached their destination safe and sound.
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KayAn and Keeshia Palma after performing ordinances for the dead |
As Keeshia stood with conviction for her testimony during our Sacrament Meeting, she related that her visit to the temple for the second time was such a spiritually magnifying experience; it was for her worth challenging the whistling winds and the raging sea. Then with tear-filled eyes and shivering voice she related: “During our opening exercises in the room at the baptismal and confirmation area in the temple and while singing the hymns---More Holiness Give Me, How Gentle God’s Commands and I Know that My Redeemer Lives---and beyond the voices of those present, I heard some kind of voices joining with us in the singing. It was a penetrating chorus and perfect blend of choir voices.” She and her sister confided to me at home that as the couple temple ordinance workers delivered their short messages they felt some kind of powerful spiritual influence and deepest feelings as to give them goose flesh. In their young minds was the thought that those voices must have come from the many of those beyond the veil commissioned by God to express His grateful acknowledgement for their sacrifices to come to the Holy House of the Lord to perform sacred ordinances for the dead.
KayAn on her part confirmed with tearful testimony what her sister observed. She told me during my interview with her after the testimony that while she was singing the alto and two of their escort Priesthood leaders were singing the tenor and base, she heard such awesome and beautiful voices far more powerful than those voices in the room. She bore witness that such was a personal revelation to her that the heavens really rejoiced for the sacrifices they have made to perform ordinances of salvation for those waiting beyond the veil. She said, “Earlier we were told by the Temple President that in the temple we will experience spiritual manifestations and personal revelations.” She further stated that she felt a solemn connection to those whom she was baptized by proxy that she felt no intention to forget their names.
Our foster daughter Angelica likewise bore witness of such wonderful spiritual manifestations and bore testimony of its truth with tear-filled eyes. She declared with solemnity that she prayed hard the night before she was given an ultimatum by the District President whether to go or not. She felt grateful that she did not hold back the promptings and instead took the opportunity to be a substitute for one who differed her participation.
According to them some young men also observed that while they have their Priesthood opening exercises and there was only the wife of the temple ordinance worker presiding as the only one woman in the room, they were surprised to have heard more voices of women in a choir singing with them.
Such glorious spiritual experiences and heavenly manifestations motivated them to give more devotion to the work they were doing in the temple, as a result of which they were admired by temple ordinance workers as the most reverent group of youth.
KayAn on her part confirmed with tearful testimony what her sister observed. She told me during my interview with her after the testimony that while she was singing the alto and two of their escort Priesthood leaders were singing the tenor and base, she heard such awesome and beautiful voices far more powerful than those voices in the room. She bore witness that such was a personal revelation to her that the heavens really rejoiced for the sacrifices they have made to perform ordinances of salvation for those waiting beyond the veil. She said, “Earlier we were told by the Temple President that in the temple we will experience spiritual manifestations and personal revelations.” She further stated that she felt a solemn connection to those whom she was baptized by proxy that she felt no intention to forget their names.
Our foster daughter Angelica likewise bore witness of such wonderful spiritual manifestations and bore testimony of its truth with tear-filled eyes. She declared with solemnity that she prayed hard the night before she was given an ultimatum by the District President whether to go or not. She felt grateful that she did not hold back the promptings and instead took the opportunity to be a substitute for one who differed her participation.
According to them some young men also observed that while they have their Priesthood opening exercises and there was only the wife of the temple ordinance worker presiding as the only one woman in the room, they were surprised to have heard more voices of women in a choir singing with them.
Such glorious spiritual experiences and heavenly manifestations motivated them to give more devotion to the work they were doing in the temple, as a result of which they were admired by temple ordinance workers as the most reverent group of youth.
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Some of the youth looking at the temple |
Our most solemn and inspiring Sacrament Meeting was concluded by the testimony of our Branch President Fraodel Preciosa, who also was with the youth in the temple. Wiping his eyes from tears—which he termed tears of joy---he bore witness of such a remarkable feeling of peace while inside the temple after an experience of his leave of absence not being approved initially, but only after he told his manager that he would rather resign if he would not be allowed to utilize his leave benefits.
Their most inspired testimonies which brought tears into my eyes, were reaffirmed as our Sunday services ended with our priesthood and relief society classes taking up lessons entitled, The Temple---the Greatest Symbol of Our Membership, by President Howard W. Hunter. Said he:
“When I contemplate the temple, I think of these words:
“”The temple is a place of instruction where profound truths pertaining to the Kingdom of God are unfolded. It is a place of peace where minds can be centered upon things of the spirit and the worries of the world can be laid aside. In the temple we make covenants to obey the laws of God, and promises are made to us, conditioned always on our faithfulness, which extend into eternity” (The Priesthood and You, Melchizedek Priesthood Lessons—1966, Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1966, p. 293).
The spiritual blessing which were experienced by the youth of the Surigao Philippines District, as they heard angels sing with them in the temple was a confirmation of Elder John A. Widtsoe’s declaration as quoted by President Howard W. Hunter:
“Temple work … gives a wonderful opportunity for keeping alive our spiritual knowledge and strength. … The mighty perspective of eternity is unraveled before us in the holy temples; we see time from its infinite beginning to its endless end; and the drama of eternal life is unfolded before us. Then I see more clearly my place amidst the things of the universe, my place among the purposes of God; I am better able to place myself where I belong, and I am better able to value and to weigh, to separate and to organize the common, ordinary duties of my life so that the little things shall not oppress me or take away my vision of the greater things that God has given us” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1922, pp. 97–98).
They left the portals of the Temple carrying with them the faith and calming assurance of the prayers offered by the prophet Joseph Smith:
“And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them;
“And from this place they may bear exceedingly great and glorious tidings, in truth, unto the ends of the earth, that they may know that this is thy work, and that thou hast put forth thy hand, to fulfil that which thou hast spoken by the mouths of the prophets, concerning the last days (D & C 109:22-23).”
Gone were the terrifying sounds of whistling winds and the frightful roars of heaving waves as the glorious promise for those who come to the temple overtakes the atrocious power of nature. The threatening storm dispersed as the youth prepared to bear witness of “the exceedingly great and glorious tidings,”--- of having the privilege of hearing the angels sing with them and the truths they learned inside the House of the Lord--- “in truth, unto the ends of the earth.” They crossed the calmed and stilled sea back home no longer worried about their missed secular opportunities for they have their minds and hearts filled with knowledge and learning which are of infinite worth.
Their most inspired testimonies which brought tears into my eyes, were reaffirmed as our Sunday services ended with our priesthood and relief society classes taking up lessons entitled, The Temple---the Greatest Symbol of Our Membership, by President Howard W. Hunter. Said he:
“When I contemplate the temple, I think of these words:
“”The temple is a place of instruction where profound truths pertaining to the Kingdom of God are unfolded. It is a place of peace where minds can be centered upon things of the spirit and the worries of the world can be laid aside. In the temple we make covenants to obey the laws of God, and promises are made to us, conditioned always on our faithfulness, which extend into eternity” (The Priesthood and You, Melchizedek Priesthood Lessons—1966, Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1966, p. 293).
The spiritual blessing which were experienced by the youth of the Surigao Philippines District, as they heard angels sing with them in the temple was a confirmation of Elder John A. Widtsoe’s declaration as quoted by President Howard W. Hunter:
“Temple work … gives a wonderful opportunity for keeping alive our spiritual knowledge and strength. … The mighty perspective of eternity is unraveled before us in the holy temples; we see time from its infinite beginning to its endless end; and the drama of eternal life is unfolded before us. Then I see more clearly my place amidst the things of the universe, my place among the purposes of God; I am better able to place myself where I belong, and I am better able to value and to weigh, to separate and to organize the common, ordinary duties of my life so that the little things shall not oppress me or take away my vision of the greater things that God has given us” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1922, pp. 97–98).
They left the portals of the Temple carrying with them the faith and calming assurance of the prayers offered by the prophet Joseph Smith:
“And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them;
“And from this place they may bear exceedingly great and glorious tidings, in truth, unto the ends of the earth, that they may know that this is thy work, and that thou hast put forth thy hand, to fulfil that which thou hast spoken by the mouths of the prophets, concerning the last days (D & C 109:22-23).”
Gone were the terrifying sounds of whistling winds and the frightful roars of heaving waves as the glorious promise for those who come to the temple overtakes the atrocious power of nature. The threatening storm dispersed as the youth prepared to bear witness of “the exceedingly great and glorious tidings,”--- of having the privilege of hearing the angels sing with them and the truths they learned inside the House of the Lord--- “in truth, unto the ends of the earth.” They crossed the calmed and stilled sea back home no longer worried about their missed secular opportunities for they have their minds and hearts filled with knowledge and learning which are of infinite worth.